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  • active } function RsvBasketRemove () { $.get('index.php?func=rsv_basket_remove', function(data){ $("#notification_rsv_basket").hide(); }); } function ScrollTo (selector) { var navBar = $(".navbar"); var paddingTop = 0; if (navBar.hasClass('navbar-fixed-top')){ paddingTop = parseInt (navBar.height(), 10); } $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: ($(selector).offset().top) - paddingTop }, 500); if(self !== top) { //if site is in iframe, and the iframe has a specific height (not 100%) the above scrolling will not work because the parent page's scrollbar will not scroll automatically. //commented out because caused problems with page scrolling all the way to the bottom //$(selector).get(0).scrollIntoView(); } } function ShoppingCartToggle () { $("#shopping_cart").toggle('1000'); } /** * Sets a scroll event listener for back to top button if back to top button is found * in the current DOM. */ function setBackToTopListener() { //Scroll to top button. var $backToTopBtn = $(".js-back-to-top"); if ($backToTopBtn.length > 0) { $(window).scroll(function () { if ($(this).scrollTop() > window.innerHeight) { $backToTopBtn.fadeIn(400); } else { $backToTopBtn.fadeOut(400); } }); } } /*Classes*/ /* Cookie Cookie name get prefix from install_code. */ var Cookie = new function () { this.get = function (name) { name = this.nameGet(name); return GetCookie(name); }; this.set = function (name, value) { name = this.nameGet(name); SetCookie(name, value); }; this.remove = function (name) { name = this.nameGet(name); DeleteCookie(name); }; this.nameGet = function (name) { return INSTALL_CODE + '_' + name; }; }; var site = new function () { this.isMobile = function () { //Does is_mobile element exist in template return $("#is_mobile").is(":visible"); }; this.isSmallScreen = function () { //Does is_smallscreen element exist in template return $("#is_smallscreen").is(":visible"); }; this.isSmallDevice = function () { //Does is_mobile or is_smallscreen element exist in template return this.isMobile() || this.isSmallScreen(); 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//TrainingCard v2 selector=#contract_products_v2 var parent = ''; if(selector){ parent = selector + ' '; //add space //if product is on tab(group) which is not selected, the height will return 0 because element is hidden. //temporarily set the group to visible var previousCss = null; if ($(selector).length) { previousCss = $(selector).attr("style"); if(!$(selector).is(':visible')) { $(selector) .css({ visibility: 'hidden', display: 'block' }); } } } $(parent + ".product_card").each (function() { if ($(this).height() > maxHeight) { maxHeight = $(this).height(); } if($(this).find('.product_name').length) { if ($(this).find('.product_name').height() > maxHeightProductName) { maxHeightProductName =$(this).find('.product_name').height(); } } if($(this).find('.product_details').length) { var descriptionHeight = $(this).find('.product_details').height(); if($(this).find('.show_more').length) { descriptionHeight += $(this).find('.show_more').height(); } if (descriptionHeight > maxHeightProductDescription) { maxHeightProductDescription = descriptionHeight; 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$("#content").addClass("col-sm-12 col-md-12 col-lg-12"); } $("#base_summary").hide(); }; }; var reservationBasket = new function() { this.inProgress = false; this.id = null; this.locationCode = null; this.currentAction = ''; this.callback = function(status){ if(status){ switch(reservationBasket.currentAction) { case 'select': if(!$('#rsv_basket_select').hasClass('invalid')){ if(!$('#rsv_basket_select input.invalid').length){ return reservationBasket.add(); } } break; case 'confirmRemove': return reservationBasket.remove(reservationBasket.id, reservationBasket.locationCode); break; case 'showConfirm': return reservationBasket.confirm(); break; } } else { switch(reservationBasket.currentAction) { case 'showConfirm': reservationBasket.show(); break; default: return false; } } }; this.select = function (elem){ reservationBasket.currentAction = 'select'; reservationBasket.id = $(elem).data('id'); reservationBasket.locationCode = $(elem).data('location'); if($(elem).hasClass('in_basket')){ console.log($(elem).prop('basket-allow-remove')); if($(elem).data('basket-allow-remove') == 0){ return reservationBasket.showConfirm(); } else { return reservationBasket.confirmRemove(); } } var isQueue = 0; if($(elem).hasClass('queue')){ isQueue = 1; } var url ='index.php?func=rsv_basket_select&no_framework=1&shopping_cart=0&id='+reservationBasket.id+'&location='+reservationBasket.locationCode; if(isQueue){ //add to queue url += '&add_queue=1'; } var rs = $.get(url); rs.success(function (data) { var modal = { title: 'Bokning information', body: data, buttons: {accept: 'Legg til handlekurven', reject: 'Stäng'} }; showConfirmation(reservationBasket.callback, modal); if($('.select_rsv_time').length){ //suggest next reservations (group reservations, calendar) var max_suggestions = $('.select_rsv_group').data('max-suggestions'); var suggestedItems = []; var currElem = $(elem); var todaysEvents = $('.fc-event-container').find('.tt_event.use_basket[data-start-date="'+$(elem).data('start-date')+'"]'); var currElemFound = false; if($(todaysEvents).length) { $(todaysEvents).each(function(){ if($(this).data('id') == $(elem).data('id')){ currElemFound = true; } else { //suggested item must be right after current element if(currElemFound){ if(suggestedItems.length < max_suggestions) { if ($(this).data('start-time') == $(currElem).data('end-time')) { suggestedItems.push($(this)); currElem = $(this); } } } } }); } if(suggestedItems.length > 0){ var no = 1; var txt; var optionValue = ''; $(suggestedItems).each(function(){ //custom txt switch(no){ case 1: txt = ''; break; case 2: txt = ''; break; case 3: txt = ''; break; default: txt = ''; break; } if(optionValue != ''){ optionValue += '|'; //add value separator } //ei oteta location huomioon vuorokohtaisesti, kalenterinäkymässä on aina sama sijainti optionValue += $(this).data('id'); var displayTxt = $(elem).data('start-time') + ' - ' + $(this).data('end-time'); $('#select_rsv_'+no).val(optionValue); $('#select_rsv_'+no).closest('label').prop('title', displayTxt); $('#select_rsv_'+no).closest('label').find('span.start_end_time').html(displayTxt); $('#select_rsv_'+no).closest('label').find('span.select_rsv_no').html(txt); $('#select_rsv_'+no).closest('label').show(); $('#select_rsv_'+no).closest('label').addClass('visible'); no++; }); } else { $('#rsv_basket_select').addClass('invalid'); $('#rsv_basket_select #error_msg').html('Bokningsbara tider hittas ej.'); $('#rsv_basket_select #error_msg').show(); //remove select $('#rsv_basket_select .select_rsv_time').remove(); } } }); }; this.setCustQty = function(id){ var elem = $('#rsv_basket_select'); var inp = $(elem).find('#cust_qty'); var custQty = $(inp).val(); Cookie.set('defaultCustQty', custQty); $(inp).removeClass('invalid'); $(elem).find('#error_msg').hide(); if(custQty != '') { if(custQty < $(inp).prop('min')){ return $(inp).addClass('invalid'); } reservationBasket.checkCustomersAllowed(custQty, id, elem); if (reservationBasket.isMultipleRsv()) { var arrId = reservationBasket.getMultipleRsvIds(); if(arrId) { for (var i = 0; i < arrId.length; i++) { reservationBasket.checkCustomersAllowed(custQty, arrId[i], elem); } } } } }; this.checkCustomersAllowed = function(custQty, id, elem) { var item = reservationBasket.getCalendarItemById(id); if (!$(item).data('add-to-queue')) { //tarkistetaan asiakasmäärät var spaces_left = $(item).data('spaces-left'); if (custQty > spaces_left) { $(elem).find('#error_msg').html('Antal personer överskrider max antal. Bokningsbara platser kvar: ' + spaces_left); $(elem).find('#error_msg').show(); $(inp).addClass('invalid'); } } }; this.add = function(){ hideUserNotification(); var elem = reservationBasket.getCalendarItemById(reservationBasket.id, reservationBasket.locationCode); var custQty = null; if($('#rsv_basket_select').find('#cust_qty').length){ custQty = $('#rsv_basket_select').find('#cust_qty').val(); } if(reservationBasket.inProgress){ return false; } var paramId = '&id='+reservationBasket.id; var selectMultipleRsv = reservationBasket.isMultipleRsv(); if(selectMultipleRsv){ //array paramId = ''; var arrId = reservationBasket.getMultipleRsvIds(); if(arrId) { //add reservation id to beginning of ids array arrId.unshift(reservationBasket.id); for (var i = 0; i < arrId.length; i++) { paramId += '&id[]=' + arrId[i]; } } } var url ='index.php?func=rsv_basket' + paramId + '&location='+reservationBasket.locationCode; if(custQty){ url += '&cust_qty='+custQty; } ShowPageLoading(); reservationBasket.inProgress = true; var rs = $.get(url); rs.success(function (data) { $(elem).addClass('in_basket'); $(elem).prop('title', 'Ta bort fra kurv'); if(selectMultipleRsv){ //show confirm reservationBasket.showConfirm(); } }); rs.fail(function (data) { if(data && data.status == 401){ //ei kirjautunut //window.location = 'index.php?func=login&add_res_id='+id+'&add_res_location='+location+'&add_basket=1&add_queue='+isQueue; window.location = 'index.php?func=login'; return false; } reservationBasket.showErrors(data); }); rs.always(function(data) { reservationBasket.inProgress = false; HidePageLoading(); var basketHtml = ''; if(data && data){ var basket = JSON.parse(data); if(basket.basket_html){ basketHtml = basket.basket_html; } } reservationBasket.update(basketHtml); }); }; this.redirectToLogin = function(elem){ var id = $(elem).data('id'); var location = $(elem).data('location'); var isQueue = 0; if($(elem).hasClass('queue')){ isQueue = 1; } if(reservationBasket.inProgress){ return false; } //window.location = 'index.php?func=login&add_res_id='+id+'&add_res_location='+location+'&add_basket=1&add_queue='+isQueue; window.location = 'index.php?func=login'; return false; }; this.confirmRemove = function(){ reservationBasket.currentAction = 'confirmRemove'; var modal = { title: 'Bokningskorg', body: 'Ta bort fra kurv'+'?', buttons: {accept: 'Ja', reject: 'Nei'} }; showConfirmation(reservationBasket.callback, modal); }; this.remove = function (id, location){ if (reservationBasket.currentAction == 'showConfirm') { //close dialog hideConfirmation(); } var url ='index.php?func=rsv_basket&id='+id+'&location='+location +'&case=remove'; var rs = $.get(url); rs.success(function (data) { var basket = JSON.parse(data); var basket_html = ''; if(basket.basket_html){ basket_html = basket.basket_html; } reservationBasket.update(basket_html); var elem = reservationBasket.getCalendarItemById(id, location); if($(elem).length){ $(elem).removeClass('in_basket'); $(elem).prop('title', 'Legg til handlekurven'); } showUserNotification('success', 'Vellykket avbestilling!'); }); rs.fail(function (data) { showUserNotification('danger', 'Avbestillingen mislyktes'); }); }; this.update = function(basket){ $('#rsv_basket').html(basket); }; this.showConfirm = function(){ reservationBasket.currentAction = 'showConfirm'; var url ='index.php?func=rsv_basket_confirm&no_framework=1&shopping_cart=0'; ShowPageLoading(); var rs = $.get(url); rs.success(function (data) { reservationBasket.hide(); var modal = { title: 'Bekräfta bokning', body: data, buttons: {accept: 'Bekräfta', reject: 'Stäng'} }; showConfirmation(reservationBasket.callback, modal); }); rs.fail(function (data) { window.location = 'index.php?func=login'; }); rs.always(function(data){ HidePageLoading(); }); }; this.confirm = function(){ reservationBasket.currentAction = 'confirm'; var url ='index.php?func=rsv_basket&case=confirm'; ShowPageLoading(); var rs = $.get(url); rs.success(function (data) { Cookie.remove('defaultCustQty'); //ladataan sivu, näytetään mahdolliset viestit location.reload(5); }); rs.fail(function(data){ if(data && data.status == 402) { //HTTP_PAYMENT_REQUIRED Cookie.remove('defaultCustQty'); window.location = 'index.php?func=checkout'; return; } HidePageLoading(); reservationBasket.showErrors(data); }); }; this.cancel = function(){ if (reservationBasket.currentAction == 'showConfirm') { //close dialog hideConfirmation(); } var url ='index.php?func=rsv_basket&case=cancel'; ShowPageLoading(); var rs = $.get(url); rs.success(function (data) { Cookie.remove('defaultCustQty'); var basket = JSON.parse(data); var basket_html = ''; if(basket.basket_html){ basket_html = basket.basket_html; } reservationBasket.update(basket_html); if($("#rsv_timetable .tt_event.in_basket").length) { $("#rsv_timetable .tt_event.in_basket").prop('title', 'Legg til handlekurven'); $("#rsv_timetable .tt_event.in_basket").addClass('use_basket'); $("#rsv_timetable .tt_event.in_basket").removeClass('in_basket'); } }); rs.always(function(data){ HidePageLoading(); }); }; this.showErrors = function (data){ if(data && data.responseText) { var obj = JSON.parse(data.responseText); if (obj.errors) { var errorMsg = ''; for (var i in obj.errors) { errorMsg = errorMsg + "

    " + obj.errors[i] + "

    "; } showUserNotification('danger', errorMsg); } else { showUserNotification('danger', 'Reservasjonen mislyktes!'); } } else { showUserNotification('danger', 'Reservasjonen mislyktes!'); } }; this.getCalendarItemById = function(id, location){ if(location){ return $("#rsv_timetable .tt_event[data-id="+id+"][data-location='"+location+"']"); } return $("#rsv_timetable .tt_event[data-id="+id+"]"); }; this.isMultipleRsv = function() { if($('#rsv_basket_select .select_rsv_group input:checked').length){ return true; } return false; }; this.getMultipleRsvIds = function(){ var ret = false; $('#rsv_basket_select .select_rsv_group input:checked').each(function(){ ret = $(this).val().toString().split('|'); }); return ret; }; this.toggle = function(){ $('#rsv_basket .panel-body').toggle(); $('#rsv_basket .header .badge').hide(); }; this.toggleDetail = function(elem){ $(elem).parent('.item').find('.detail').toggle(); }; this.hide = function() { $('#rsv_basket').hide(); }; this.show = function() { $('#rsv_basket').show(); }; } function showUserNotification (msgType, msg) { var notification_cont = $("#js_user_notification_cont"); var notification_alert = $("#js_user_notification_alert"); var notification_msg = $("#js_user_notification_msg"); //if modal dialog is open, there are probably several notification elements..lets show that one if($("#dialog-confirmation #js_user_notification_cont").length){ notification_cont = $("#dialog-confirmation #js_user_notification_cont"); notification_alert = $("#dialog-confirmation #js_user_notification_alert"); notification_msg = $("#dialog-confirmation #js_user_notification_msg"); } $(notification_cont).show(); $(notification_alert).removeClass('alert alert-success alert-danger alert-info'); //remove previous class $(notification_alert).addClass('alert alert-'+msgType); $(notification_msg).html(msg); ScrollTo("body"); } function hideUserNotification () { var notification_cont = $("#js_user_notification_cont"); if($("#dialog-confirmation #js_user_notification_cont").length){ notification_cont = $("#dialog-confirmation #js_user_notification_cont"); } $(notification_cont).hide(); } function positionConfirmationDialog(selector) { var dlg = $("#dialog-confirmation"); dlg.find('.modal-content').css("margin-top", $(selector).offset().top); } function showConfirmation(cb,text){ //prevent user from clicking outside the modal dialog $('#dialog-confirmation').modal({ backdrop: 'static', keyboard: false }); $('#dialog-confirmation').modal('show'); $('#dialog-confirmation').attr('action','false'); /*iPhone 4 fix for modal*/ var userAgent = navigator.userAgent; if (userAgent.match('iPhone OS 4')) { $(".modal").css('position', 'absolute'); ScrollTo (".modal-content"); } if(text && text != undefined){ if(text.title){ $('#dialog-confirmation .modal-title').text(text.title); } if(text.body){ $('#dialog-confirmation .modal-body').html(text.body); } if(text.buttons){ if(text.buttons.accept){ $('#dialog-confirmation button.user-accept').text(text.buttons.accept); $('#dialog-confirmation button.user-accept').show(); } else if(text.buttons.accept === ''){ //käännöstä ei saatu (laitekohtainen(mac) js ongelma) #19592 $('#dialog-confirmation button.user-accept').text(Lang_Ok); $('#dialog-confirmation button.user-accept').show(); } else { $('#dialog-confirmation button.user-accept').hide(); } if(text.buttons.reject){ $('#dialog-confirmation button.user-reject').text(text.buttons.reject); $('#dialog-confirmation button.user-reject').show(); } else if(text.buttons.reject === ''){ //käännöstä ei saatu (laitekohtainen(mac) js ongelma) #19592 $('#dialog-confirmation button.user-reject').text(Lang_Cancel); $('#dialog-confirmation button.user-reject').show(); } else { $('#dialog-confirmation button.user-reject').hide(); } } } $('#dialog-confirmation button').unbind('click'); $('#dialog-confirmation button').bind('click',function(){ $('#dialog-confirmation').attr('action',$(this).hasClass('user-accept')); }); if($('#dialog-confirmation').attr('init')!='1'){ $('#dialog-confirmation').on('hidden.bs.modal', function (e) { if(cb){ cb($('#dialog-confirmation').attr('action')=='true'?true:false); } }); } $('#dialog-confirmation').attr('init','1'); InitDatePickers(); } function hideConfirmation(){ //hide all modal dialogs $("#dialog-confirmation").modal('hide'); $('body').removeClass('modal-open'); } function showDetails(content){ var modal = { title: 'Visa detaljer', body: content, buttons: {accept: '', reject: 'Stäng'} }; showConfirmation(null, modal); //hide modal ok button $('#dialog-confirmation .user-accept').hide(); } /* rsv ask qty modal */ var rsvAskCustomerQtyData = { title: 'Angi deltagare', body: 'Vennligst angi antal personer som deltar i hendelsen.' + '
    ' + '', buttons: {accept: 'Reservere',reject:'Avbryt'} }; function rsvAskCustomerQtyCallback(status){ var do_rsv_url = GetCookie('do_rsv_url') + '&rsv_cust_qty=' + $('#rsv_cust_qty').val(); DeleteCookie('do_rsv_url'); if(status && do_rsv_url != ''){ window.location = do_rsv_url; } else { return false; } } var webshop = new function(){ this.viewMembership = function(id, params){ var productCard = $(".product_list .product_card[data-id="+ id +"]"); if(productCard.length){ var codes = $(productCard).data('codes'); var ids = $(productCard).data('ids'); $.get('index.php?func=lws_view_ms&ids='+ ids +'&codes='+ codes +'¶ms=' + params +'&id=' + id+'&no_framework=1', function (data) { }) .done(function (html) { var modal = { title: 'Välj följande fält', body: html, buttons: {accept: 'Legg til handlekurven', reject: 'Steng'} }; showConfirmation(function(status){ if(status){ var p_id = webshop.getSelectedMembership(); if(p_id){ //gather list of extra fields if($('.pt_extra_fields').length){ $('.pt_extra_fields select, .pt_extra_fields input').each(function(){ if($(this).val()){ params += '&'+$(this).prop('name')+'='+$(this).val(); } }); } window.location = 'index.php?func=lws&addcart='+ p_id + '&contract='+ id + params+'&redirect_func=checkout'; } } else { return false; } }, modal); }) .fail(function(data) { }) } return false; }; this.getSelectedMembership = function(){ var id = ''; var rows = $('#pt_contract_products .product_row.visible'); if($(rows).length){ id = $(rows).data('id'); } return id; }; this.filterMembership = function(filterElement){ if(!filterElement){ filterElement = $('#pt_contract_product_filter select').first(); } var dataFilter = $(filterElement).data('filter'); var rows = $('#pt_contract_products .product_row'); if($(rows)){ $(rows).hide(); $(rows).removeClass('visible'); var match = false; $(rows).each(function(){ if($(this).data(dataFilter)==$(filterElement).val()){ match = true; $(this).show(); $(this).addClass('visible'); } }); if(!match){ $('#pt_contract_products .product_row.product_not_found').show(); } } }; }; function cancelPayment() { var modal = { title: 'Avbryt betalning', body: 'Avbryt?', buttons: {accept: Lang_yes, reject: Lang_no} }; showConfirmation(cancelPaymentCallback, modal); } function cancelPaymentCallback(status) { if(status) { if($('#cancel_url').length) { var cancel_url = $('#cancel_url').val(); if(cancel_url != '') { window.location = cancel_url; } } } return false; } var progressbar = new function(){ this.set = function(name) { var step; //set every step before current step active var item = $('#progressbar ul.progressbar li[data-name="' + name + '"]'); if (item) { $('#progressbar ul.progressbar li').removeClass('active').removeClass('current'); step = $(item).data('value'); $('#progressbar ul.progressbar li').each(function() { if ($(this).data('value') <= step) { $(this).addClass('active'); if ($(this).data('value') == step) { $(this).addClass('current'); } } }); } }; this.setOnClick = function(name, setFunction){ var item = $('#progressbar ul.progressbar li[data-name="' + name + '"]'); if(item){ $(item).css('cursor', 'pointer'); $(item).off().click(setFunction); } }; }